Follow Friday

September 28, 2012 § 41 Comments

 Welcome to The Happy Booker for another fabulous Follow Friday hosted by Parajunkee and Alisoncanread. While you’re here, be sure to say hi so I can drop by your blog too. This week’s question is:

What is the BIGGEST word you’ve seen used in a book lately – that made you stop and look it up? Might as well leave the definition & book too.

The word that comes to mind is “Peregrinations” from David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas. It was from near the very beginning of the book and this was the context:

“Five years have passed since this harridan besmirched my name, yes, with imputations that resulted in my being blackballed from Society.” Dr. Goose looked out to sea. “My peregrinations began in that dark hour.”





travel from one place to another, especially on foot.

a course of travel; journey.

I probably would have looked up more if I would have been reading it in print instead of listening to the audio. This was a beautifully written book but I know I would have found it challenging to read it in print. \Have you read this or have you seen the previews for the upcoming movie? It looks amazing!

Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to comment so I can follow back. 

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